Nice About It
Posted September 28, 2024 at 11:38 am

Hey everyone, forgive me for being late with this one. It took a lot longer to get set up in my new apartment than I expected. And even when everything got set up, I was drained of energy and had a hard time getting back into producing actual pages. It's like I forgot how to do it when everything else changed around me! I wonder if moves affect people who work from home a little extra hard. Cause it wasn't just my living quarters changed; it was also my entire job!

All that is to say, sorry it took an entire month to get here. But hopefully, it won't be another month until the next one. Thank you for your patience. And hey, the new place is nice. I hope to get a lot of nice work done while I'm here.

By the way, thank you to brellom for pitching in with the characters on this one. It really helped.

- Psu

I did not move.

- Gunwild

Tags: biter, cookie, feti
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