It's That Pun Again
Posted May 17, 2018 at 04:49 am
Since the last time I recommended a few, some other webcomics have gotten started that deserve a shoutout!

Paradiso is brand new and it's about F1 racing... which I know nothing about. But I've enjoyed every page so far, meaning it's worth checking out.

Mad Magic has some strong language and gore and such. Just watch out if you're reading your webcomics at school, is all I'm sayin'. I know some of you are!

Oh, and I guess we're supposed to be in competition with LINE Webtoon or whatever, but you should still probably go see if you're into Messenger, which has some heavy-hitting comics talent behind it.

- Gunwild

I'm sorry the page is late guys. I had a lot tougher time than I should have, on this one. Thanks again to brellom for assists.

- Psu

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